Can Moles Be Skin Colored?

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By Amelia Varley

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Have you noticed a skin-colored mole on your skin and are worried that it might be harmful? If yes, you do not need to worry anymore because we have all the information.

We understand that you are dealing with a skin-colored mole that you have never seen before. It has made you anxious because you do not know if it is normal or not. You are constantly worried about the effect it will have on your health. Thus, the constant state of worry and anxiety has ruined your daily activities.

Therefore, we are here with all the information about skin-colored moles and if they are bad or not. So, without wasting any time, let’s get right into it!

What Are Skin Colored Moles?

A mole comprises skin cells, also called melanocytes, that have clustered together in a group. These skin cells are pigmented; thus, the mole on your skin can be of any color, such as a black mole or a skin-colored mole.

The skin-colored moles can appear anywhere on your body, including the skin of the face, nose, neck, and scalp. The age at which moles occur differs from person to person. Many people get moles when they are going through early childhood. On the other hand, many people get moles when they are going through their teenage years.

It is not unusual if people have 10-40 moles on their skin when they enter adulthood. With time, they might go through some changes, such as hair growing on them. Moreover, they can become of different colors and heights.

Skin Colored Mole On Face

The skin-colored moles on your face can be of different sizes and shapes. The size of the mole is typically no more than 6 millimeters. Though most moles on your face will be less than this size, some might have greater size. Moreover, their shape can be either oval or round.

The surface of the skin-colored moles can also vary. Some have a wrinkled surface, while some possess a smooth one. In addition, your face moles can either have a raised surface or a flat surface.

Skin Colored Mole On the Scalp

Moles on the scalp are not a common occurrence. So, if there is a mole that you have recently noticed, you need to consult a doctor immediately. There is a chance that this mole can be cancerous, especially in the case of men. 

Skin cancer is a dangerous disease. To prevent your scalp from getting skin cancer, you can take specific measures, such as:

  • When you go outside, wear a hat to protect your scalp from the harmful rays of the sun. 
  • Have a haircut now and then so that you can detect a mole easily on your scalp. 
  • If you have a mole on the scalp, make sure that you keep an eye on the changes it goes through.
  • Make a habit of going to your doctor so they can do a regular check-up of your skin. 

Skin Colored Mole On Neck

There are three types of moles you can have on your neck: Congenital moles are also called birthmarks. They can go through changes over time. Moreover, they can also disappear after a certain age. 

Common moles, also called acquired moles, appear on your neck after you are born. They are usually small moles with hair in them. 

Atypical moles are called dysplastic nevi. These moles have the tendency to become cancerous. Thus, regular doctor visits are a must if you have them on your neck. 

Skin Colored Mole On Nose

You can get a skin-colored mole on your nose in childhood or late adolescence. Thus, having a skin-colored mole on your nose is not unusual.  The shape of the nose mole is a dome. Moreover, there is a chance that hair will grow out of the mole.

The mole on the nose does not go through many changes as your age increases. There is no risk of bleeding if the mole belongs to the category of common moles. Also, you can have the moles removed by specific procedures we will explain later.

Skin Colored Mole On Forehead

If you have suddenly developed a skin-colored mole on your forehead, it can be due to several causes. These causes include:

  • As you grow older, you might get moles on different parts of your body, including your forehead.
  • If you have a family history of atypical moles, there is a chance that you will have a mole on your forehead.
  • If you possess red or light-colored hair or have fair skin, you will be more prone to develop moles on the forehead.
  • If you have had significant sunlight exposure, you will most likely end up with a skin-colored mole.
  • Your hormones and the drugs you take might also trigger the appearance of forehead moles. 

Is A Skin Colored Mole Bad?

A skin-colored mole is usually considered a common mole, which is normal. Sometimes, this mole can change into melanoma, a type of skin cancer. There is an ABCDE criterion to make you understand if your skin-colored mole is becoming cancerous. ABCDE stands for:

A: Asymmetry of the mole

  • Normal moles are symmetrical.
  • Cancerous moles are asymmetrical.

B: Border of the mole

  • Normal moles have a regular border.
  • Cancerous moles possess an irregular border.

C: Color of the mole

  • Normal moles are of uniform color.
  • Cancerous moles have many colors in them.

D: Diameter of the mole

  • Normal moles have a diameter less than the pencil eraser’s diameter.
  • Cancerous moles have a greater diameter than the diameter of a pencil eraser.

E: Evolving mole

  • If the skin-colored mole is going through any changes, it is likely to become cancerous.

By noticing changes in your mole through these criteria, you can start visiting your doctor to ensure that they remove the mole as soon as possible.

Are Skin Colored Moles Normal?

Many people develop moles as they pass through different stages of their life. It is normal to have skin-colored moles. To ensure that the skin-colored mole is not cancerous, you need to follow the ABCDE criteria explained above.

So, if the mole on your face is of uniform color, it is a normal mole. Also, with a regular border and a standard diameter, the skin-colored mole on any part of your body is not likely to become cancerous.

Skin Colored Mole Removal

If you are thinking of removing a skin-colored mole, you can consult a dermatologist. The dermatologists will assess the mole and then decide how they want to remove it. There are three ways through which a mole can be removed from your skin. These are:

1. Shaving Or Cutting The Mole

Your doctor will either cut your mole off or shave it off the skin’s surface. If the cells of your moles go under your skin, then the doctor will have to make a cut deep enough to remove those cells. They make a deep cut so that the mole does not grow back. After the cut, your skin will be stitched.

2. Freezing The Mole

Your doctor will freeze the skin-colored mole by using liquid nitrogen. They will either use a swab or a spray to apply the liquid to your mole. The liquid nitrogen used will be super cold to ensure that the mole has completely frozen. This procedure might leave a small blister where the mole was, but it will go on its own. 

3. Burning The Mole

A mole is burnt by applying a hot wire to it; the wire will burn the layers of the skin present on the upper part of the mole. You will have to make a few appointments to make sure that the mole is entirely removed. Due to the heat provided by the wire, there will not be any bleeding.

Before getting started with any of the procedures mentioned above, your doctor will use anesthesia to numb the area surrounding the skin-colored mole. There will not be any marks or scars after your mole is removed.

Risk Factors for Skin Moles: Who Is at Risk?

Most people have moles, but some are at an increased risk of developing them. In this section, we will discuss the various risk factors for skin moles and who is most likely to develop them.

Sun Exposure

One of the major risk factors for skin moles is sun exposure. People who spend a lot of time outdoors or in tanning beds are particularly at risk. UV radiation from the sun or tanning beds can increase the risk of developing moles, which can eventually turn into skin cancer. It’s important to protect your skin from the sun by wearing protective clothing and using sunscreen with a high SPF.

Family History

Another factor that plays a role in the development of moles is family history. Those with a family history of skin cancer or moles are more likely to develop them themselves. If you have a family history of these conditions, it’s important to be vigilant about monitoring any changes in your skin and seeing a dermatologist regularly.


Older people are also at an increased risk of developing moles. As we age, our skin becomes less elastic and more prone to damage from UV radiation and other environmental factors. This can lead to the development of new moles or changes in existing ones.


Women tend to have more moles than men, but both genders are at risk. It’s important for everyone to take precautions to protect their skin from sun exposure and monitor any changes in their moles.

Other Half of The Population

The other half of the population should also take precautions to protect their skin from sun exposure and monitor any changes in their moles. While women tend to have more moles than men, both genders are still at risk for developing them.

How to Examine Your Skin for Moles: Tips for Self-Examination

Conducting a regular self-skin exam is an essential part of maintaining good skin health. One of the most important things to look out for during these exams is moles, which can be a sign of skin cancer. In this section, we will discuss how to examine your skin for moles and provide tips for self-examination.

Use a Full-Length Mirror

When conducting a self-skin exam, it’s important to use a full-length mirror so that you can see all areas of your body. Stand in front of the mirror and examine your skin from head to toe. Pay particular attention to any areas that receive frequent sun exposure, such as your face, neck, arms, and legs.

Check Surrounding Skin

When examining moles on your skin, it’s important to pay attention to the surrounding skin as well. Look for changes in color or texture around the mole. If you notice any redness or swelling around the mole, or if it feels tender or painful when touched, this could be a sign of melanoma.

Measure with a Pencil or Eraser

If you notice any suspicious-looking moles during your self-exam, it’s important to measure them using a pencil or pencil eraser. Moles larger than 6mm should be checked by a dermatologist as they may be cancerous.

Check Hard-to-See Areas

It’s also important to check hard-to-see areas such as your back and scalp. Use a hand-held mirror to check these areas or ask someone else for help. When checking your scalp, use a comb or hairdryer to move hair out of the way so that you can see more clearly.

Make an Appointment with Dermatologist

If you notice any concerning moles during your self-exam, make an appointment with a dermatologist for further evaluation. A dermatologist will be able to perform additional tests such as biopsies and determine whether or not the mole is cancerous.

When to See a Doctor for Skin Moles?

Changes in Skin Moles: When to See a Doctor

Skin moles are common and usually harmless, but they can sometimes be a sign of skin cancer. It is important to know when to see a doctor for skin moles and what changes to look out for.

Any Changes in Size, Shape, Color, or Texture Should Be Checked by a Doctor

If you notice any changes in the size, shape, color, or texture of your skin mole, it is important to have it checked by a doctor. This includes moles that become larger or smaller over time, change shape or color, or develop an irregular border.

Itchy, Painful, or Bleeding Moles Should Be Checked as Soon as Possible

If your mole becomes itchy, painful, or starts to bleed, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms can be signs of melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

New Moles After Age 30 Should Be Checked by a Doctor

If you develop a new mole after the age of 30, it is important to have it checked by a doctor. While new moles are not always cancerous, they can sometimes be an early sign of melanoma.

Family History of Skin Cancer Requires Consultation with Doctors

If you have a family history of skin cancer, you should consult with doctors about your risk factors and how often you should be screened for skin cancer. People with fair skin and light eyes are also at higher risk for developing skin cancer.

Regular Check-Ups Are Recommended for People with Many Moles on Their Body

People who have many moles on their bodies should have regular check-ups with dermatologists to monitor for any changes or signs of skin cancer. This includes people who have more than 50 moles on their bodies.

Suspicious Moles May Require Biopsy from Doctors

If your doctor suspects that one of your moles may be cancerous, they may perform a biopsy to determine if it is cancerous or not. A biopsy involves removing a small piece of the mole and examining it under a microscope.

Early Detection and Treatment of Skin Cancer Can Greatly Increase the Chances of Successful Treatment

If you are diagnosed with skin cancer, early detection, and treatment can greatly increase your chances of successful treatment and recovery. This is why it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible if you notice any changes in your skin moles.

Management and Treatment of Skin Moles: At-Home Remedies and Medical Procedures

At-home Remedies for Managing Skin Moles

Many people wonder if there are any at-home remedies that can help manage skin moles. Some of the most popular include applying apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, or garlic extract to the mole. However, it is important to note that these remedies have not been scientifically proven to be effective.

Apple cider vinegar is often touted as a natural remedy for many ailments, including skin moles. The idea behind using apple cider vinegar on moles is that the acid in the vinegar will break down the mole and cause it to eventually fall off. To use this remedy, simply soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it directly to the mole for several hours each day.

Tea tree oil is another natural remedy that some people claim can help manage skin moles. This essential oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties and is commonly used to treat acne and other skin conditions. To use tea tree oil on a mole, simply apply a small amount of the oil directly to the mole each day.

Garlic extract is also sometimes recommended as an at-home remedy for managing skin moles. Like apple cider vinegar, garlic extract contains acids that may help break down the mole over time. To use this remedy, crush a clove of garlic and apply it directly to the mole each day.

It’s important to remember that while these at-home remedies may be safe for most people, they have not been scientifically proven to be effective in managing skin moles. If you’re concerned about a mole or if you notice any changes in its appearance or size, it’s best to seek advice from a healthcare provider.

Medical Procedures for Treating Skin Moles

If a mole is suspected to be cancerous or if it is causing discomfort, surgery may be necessary. There are several different types of surgical procedures that can be used depending on the type of mole and its location on the body.

A simple excision is a common surgical procedure used to remove moles. This involves cutting out the mole and stitching up the skin. The procedure can usually be done in a doctor’s office or clinic using local anesthesia.

For larger or more complex moles, Mohs surgery may be necessary. This type of surgery involves removing the mole layer by layer until all of the cancerous cells have been removed. Mohs surgery is typically performed by a dermatologist and may require several visits to complete.

Tanning Beds and Skin Moles

Tanning beds should be avoided as they increase the risk of developing skin cancer, including melanoma. People with moles should take extra precautions and avoid tanning beds altogether.

The UV radiation from tanning beds can damage the DNA in skin cells, leading to mutations that can cause cancer. In addition, tanning beds can also cause premature aging of the skin, including wrinkles, age spots, and other blemishes.

Regular Skin Checks

Primary care providers can perform regular skin checks and monitor any changes in moles. If a mole appears suspicious, they may refer the patient to a dermatologist for further evaluation and treatment.

It is important for individuals to take charge of their own health and regularly check their skin for any changes or new moles. In addition, seeking guidance from a healthcare provider can provide peace of mind and ensure proper management of skin moles.

Childhood Sun Exposure

If there is a history of childhood sun exposure or if more than half of the body is covered in moles (the “ugly duckling” rule), it’s especially important to take steps to protect your skin from further damage. This may include wearing protective clothing such as hats and long-sleeved shirts when outdoors, using sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, and avoiding prolonged exposure to direct sunlight during peak hours (10 am-4 pm).

Final Words

Summing it up, moles are a type of skin growth. Having 10-40 moles by adulthood is not something to worry about. They come in different sizes, shapes, and textures. Also, as you age, your skin-colored moles may go through changes, such as color change.

A skin-colored mole is normal if it is symmetrical with a regular border and diameter. Moreover, if you see your mole going through any unusual changes as explained in the ABCDE criteria, you should inform your doctor.

In addition, when you consult your doctor to remove your mole, there are three main procedures by which moles can be removed. These procedures include cutting, burning, and freezing the mole. Also, you will have no scars on your skin after the procedures.

We hope that this article has answered your every query related to skin-colored moles.

About the author

Amelia Varley

I am Amelia Varley, a blogger, and beautician. Here you can see my skills which give you small ideas on understanding all the concepts with different themes. I love to write blogs on different topics, like health, beauty, home décor, Automotive, Business, Food, Lifestyle, etc.

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